
Rewild My Street is involved in the following events:
London Metropolitan University, Centre for Appled Research on Empowering Society, Show & Tell, 19 February 2025: presentation.
Martin Primary School Years 5 & 6, 'Rewilding Your School/Street', 4 & 6 December 2024: presentations.
STEM Learning, Protecting Our Planet Day, 12 November 2024: resources for schools.
London Metropolitan University CREATURE Lab & CARES, The Learning Body, 09 October 2024: presentation of postcard.
London Metropolitan University, the School of Art, Architecture & Design Postgraduate and Research Exhibition,11-14 September 2024: staff research exhibition.
London Metropolitan University, Wild Ways Research Day ,16 July 2024: workshops with London residents.
City University London, AMPS Livable Cities conference, 26-28 June 2024: presentation of paper.
The Nature of Cities Festival, 3-7 June 2024, Berlin: seed session with Novel Eco.
The Wildlife Trusts 30 Days Wild, 01-30 June 2024: daily wild post on Instagram.
Ionian University's 17th Audiovisual Arts Festival, ‘Beauty and Monstrosity in Art and Culture' book presentation: presentation of chapter.
London Metropolitan University MASS, Anti-apathetic Architecture, 18 April 2024: presentation.
The Nature of Cities Festival, 15-26 April & 3-7 June 2024: micro-talk.
London Metropolitan University, London Met Lab, Civic Statement and CARES launch, 28 February 2024: exhibition.
Oxford Brookes University, Biodiversity and Architecture, 22 February 2024: presentation and panel discussion.
London Metropolitan University tree planting day, Mudchute City Farm, 06 December 2023: organiser.
Stanton Williams, London, 30 November 2023: CPD presentation.
Antwerp University, This Is Design Sciences, Belgium, 14 November 2023: presentation.
GiGL, LDN Day of Nature, Camley Street Natural Park, London, 28 October 2023: presentation.
City Development Forum, City of Well-Being conference, Poznan, Poland, 17-18 October 2023: presentation.
London Metropolitan University, the School of Art, Architecture & Design Postgraduate and Research Exhibition,12-17 September 2023: staff research exhibition.
Bielefeld University, Behaviour conference, Germany, 14-20 August 2023: invited speaker.
London Metropolitan University staff/student research conference, 04 July 2023: presentation of paper.
London Metropolitan University, School of Art, Architecture and Design summer show, 20 June - 01 July 2023: live projects exhibition.
New York City College of Technology, Liveable Cities conference,14-16 June 2023: presentation of paper.
The Wildlife Trusts 30 Days Wild, 01-30 June 2023: daily wild post on Instagram.
London Metropolitan University, Responding to the Environment Crisis: Interdisciplinary approaches, 01 June 2023: presentation.
London Metropolitan University, School of Art, Architecture and Design, Generosity and Architecture, 01 March 2023: presentation and panel discussion.
Kingston University, Climate Justice Day, 27 January 2023: presentation.
Architecture for London CPD, London, 16 December 2022:
London Metropolitan University tree planting day, Mudchute City Farm, 30 November 2022: organiser.
London Metropolitan University, School of Art, Architecture and Design, Drawing as Practice-led Research: narrative, instructive, situated, and reflective drawings, 04-11 November 2022: exhibitor.
Planted, 'Wasted Spaces, Planted Cities, King's Cross, 24 September 2022: panel discussion.
East Finchley Town Team, Sustainable High Road, 17 September 2022: stall.
London Metropolitan University, Climate Change Symposium, 25 July 2022: presentation of paper.
London Metropolitan University staff/student research conference, 12 July 2022: presentation of paper.
London Metropolitan University, School of Art, Architecture and Design summer show, 22 June - 02 July 2022: live projects exhibition.
University of Calgary, Cultures, Communities and Design conference, 28-30 June 2022: presentation of paper.
NCACE, Culture and Collaborations on Climate Emergency, 23 June 2022: presentation.
The Wildlife Trusts 30 Days Wild, 01-30 June 2022: daily wild tweet on Twitter.
London Metropolitan University, Ecological Dialogues: Perspectives on Art, Architecture and Design Education, 24 May 2022: panel chair.
The Nature of Cities Festival, 29-31 March 2022: micro-talk.
Green Week, London Metropolitan University, 07-11 March 2022: daily postcard on forum, Twitter & Instagram.
London Metropolitan University tree planting day, Mudchute City Farm, 23 February 2022: organiser.
Torriano Primary School Year 1 STEAM project, 10 February 2022: presentation.
London Metropolitan University, 'Urban Nature', Ecological Dialogues: Sustainable Communities and the Question of Nature, 15 December 2021: presentation and panel discussion.
National Bioblitz Network, European Bioblitz 2021, 28-29 September 2021: research showcase.
MIT Center for Collective Intelligence, Imagining Post COVID-19 Cities, August 2021: website.
Pesticide Action Network UK, Abundant Green Networks: Reimagining our urban spaces, 21 July 2021: presentation and panel discussion.
London Metropolitan University staff/student research conference, 20-21 July 2021: presentation of paper.
London Festival of Architecture, ‘Wilding City Streets’, Wilding: Growing, 23 June 2021: presentation and panel discussion.
Sierra Club Quebec, ‘Rewilding Your Streets: Transforming towns and cities for wildlife’, 15 June 2021: presentation.
City University of New York, Cities in a Changing World conference, 16-18 June 2021: presentation of paper.
The Wildlife Trusts 30 Days Wild, 01-30 June 2021: daily rewilding inspiration on forum, Twitter & Instagram.
Fierce Productions, iGNITE Climate Shorts Episode 6, 'Gaia Futures' radio play, April 2021: consultation.
Students Organising for Sustainability, Green Impact Webinar: Rewilding Spaces, 16 March 2021: presentation.
The Nature of Cities Festival, 22-26 February 2021: micro-talk & Post-Covid-19 City challenge entry.
'Wild Ways' Art, Architecture & Design Research Seminar, 10 December 2020: presentation and panel discussion.
London Metropolitan University tree planting day, Mudchute City Farm, 25 November 2020: organiser.
Making Natural History: Rewilding Your Streets, 12 November 2020: presentation.
London National Park City, 100 Voices, 21-23 July 2020: presentation.
The School of Art, Architecture & Design, London Metropolitan University Liveness: Research, July 2020: virtual exhibitor.
Young Wilders Rewilding Map, July 2020: urban rewilding project listing - founder's garden.
The Wildlife Trusts 30 Days Wild, 01-30 June 2020: daily rewilding image on forum, Twitter & Instagram
Cordwainers Grow 'Nature Makeover/Nature Takeover', Zoom, 29 March 2020: presentation.
London Metropolitan University Green Week, 09 March 2020: presentation.
The Animal Gaze Constructed symposium, London Metropolitan University, 06 March 2020: presentation of paper.
'Wild London' Cass Community Day, London Metropolitan University, 22 February 2020: Wild Makeover Guide.
London Metropolitan University Making A Living Week: Streetwise & Practice Declares, 26 November 2019: presentations and panel discussions.
London Design Fair, Design Research for Change Showcase, Truman Brewery, 19-22 September 2019: exhibitor.
Manchester School of Art IASDR Conference, 02-05 September 2019: presentation of paper.
Blue Campaign heart inscribed 'Rewild My Street' installed in mini meadow to signify rewilding in progress, August 2019.
London National Park City mini opening ceremony quest, 22 July 2019: illustrated 'Wild Makeover Guide'.
National Park City Summit & signing of charter at GLA, 22 July 2019: guest.
National Park City Maker crowdfunding campaign, 2019: small community group supporter.
'Green and Blue Infrastructure for Better Urban Environments' Futurebuild seminar, 07 March 2019: presentation and panel discussion.
Imperial College London MSc Environmental Technology study on value of urban greening, 2019: case study.
'Wildness Matters' Cass Research Seminar, 08 November 2018: presentation and panel discussion.
Cardiff University Generosity Conference, June 2018: presentation of paper and launch of website.
National Park City Foundation launch, Urban Innovation Centre, London, 02 October 2017: presentation.
London Metropolitan University, 'Sian Moxon' (19 January 2015): presentation.